In this part of the blog series, I want to create the VPN connection from Azure to my on-premises lab environment.
As I did in the last part, I will create a new branch in Github for my work. I am doing this to ensure that my main branch is always running without errors. I will call this new branch for...Read More
I want to create my resource groups and my virtual network in this part of the blog series. To create these resources will use a combination of Bicep files, where I split my code into an execution file with parameters and a generic template file. I am doing this to not limit my options for deploying environments. In...Read More
In part 1 of the series, I got my GitHub repository set up with a secret containing a service principal for Azure. This setup allows me to create a GitHub actions deployment using the service principal as authentication.
In this part, I create the GitHub action to create a resource group in my Azure subscription....Read More
I want to guide you through the initial setup for GitHub Actions and Bicep in this blog series. If you read my last series on Azure and Terraform, I want to do the same deployment, but this time using the tools mentioned. As this is a getting started guide, I will show all the steps I have taken to set up the...Read More
In this last part of the blog series, I will create a virtual machine and install the Citrix Cloud Connector software on this machine. It is important that the VM can reach the domain and join it since a Citrix Cloud Connector has to be domain joined before it will install. In my case, here I have the VPN up and...Read More
In this part of the series I want to add the VPN to the solution and this includes the Virtual Network Gateway, the Local Gateway and the Connection objects in Azure and then I will also show you the setup in my ubiquiti setup I run at home. The VPN connection is a great way to get something running in Azure fast...Read More